Semana Santa is here once again and I have this week off from work. I will post a more detailed entry later this weekend, but a quick run down on the happenings so far.
My friend Lauren Maat, who I visited in London back in December, came to visit her sister who is studying in Sevilla. With her in town and wanting to connect, Emily and I took off to Sevilla this past Friday afternoon. We first stopped in Malaga to drop Michael Lynn off at the airport to meet her parents, and then headed up towards Sevilla. We had an awesome weekend visiting with Lauren, her sister Lindsay, my brother and our friend Cristian, who we met in Motril, but is now working in Sevilla. I forgot my camera and have yet to get the pictures from Emily, so look for those in a post this coming weekend.
We got back to Motril Sunday afternoon and have relaxed the last day and a half. Last night Emily and I went to see the processionals that the Catholic Churches perform during Semana Santa here in Spain. We were able to catch last night's just a short walk from our flat. Enjoy some of the pictures. I have video too, but that will have to wait because I want to edit it. Hopefully this weekend I can get that up.
These are nothing like the processionals Rachel and I saw in Chichi, Guatamala last June, but both are unique and very interesting:
It is a major part of Spain's culture and tradition, and I am glad we were able to catch one before we head off to Scotland. We might try and get to Granada to see the ones this coming weekend when we get back, or catch the ones in Motril.
As mentioned, Emily and I are getting ready to head off to Scotland. Our flight leaves at 9:30 tonight and we will be spending Wednesday through Friday visiting Edinburgh and St. Andrews. My friend Laura Collins, who I met in Honduras last year, is graciously hosting us. We are staying with her parents in Edinburgh and visiting with her in St. Andrews, where she goes to college. It is going to be an awesome trip and look for another post this weekend or early next week!
That is all for now, I must go pack...
I still think the processionals are rather creepy....
ReplyDeleteSweet Tela rooftop pic..