I forget when she actually purchased these tickets, but she had found an $800 ticket and jumped all over it to come see me during spring break—she has a week off of work from her after school program in Grand Rapids. Thus, we have an excellent itinerary planned that includes stops to…

Las Alpujarras

and Cabo de Gata

I am extremely excited for her visit and will be leaving Motril late tomorrow morning to pick her up in Malaga. If all her flights are on time (Chicago to JFK, NYC, JFK to Madrid, Madrid to Malaga) she will be in at 1 pm tomorrow afternoon! Thus, per usual when someone is visiting, I will most like be MIA for the next week.
With all of the excitement surrounding my parents and Rachel visiting, I have forgotten to mention that I will be leaving Spain and traveling to….

Edinburgh and St. Andrews, Scotland!
Laura Collins, who some of you may remember from my Honduras blog (Laura, and my other friend Renske, were two girls who worked at the Abundant Life Christian School in La Union) is currently going to college in St. Andrews, so I will be visiting her. Her parents have also been gracious enough to host me, and my roommate Emily who will also be coming, in Edinburgh as well. I am excited for this trip, which will take place over Semana Santa (Holy Week), April 19-22. More about that as it approaches!
I apologize for the sporadic posts, but I have been trying to make the most out of my time here in Spain as the weather begins to get warmer. I spent over 6 hours at the beach last Sunday with my friend Peter and his friend Annie, as well as with Emily and our friends Bern and Cristian, and 4 hours there today. I think it is safe to say that I will return home with a solid tan.
Along with that, I had an awesome field trip with my students this past week to a national park near Granada. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, but it was a gorgeous day for the activity. The activity was called an orientacion. Students were given a contour map of a section of the park that contained circles indicating checkpoints.
Students then had to use this map to find each checkpoint and stamp a card.
I actually completed the activity myself, and had a blast doing it. At one point I was jogging across a field, looking at the map for the next checkpoint, and looked up. Straight ahead were the 4 tallest peaks of the Sierra Nevadas. It was incredible.
Well, that is it for now. See you in a week!
What a beautiful places...happy you